

Cooler temps and showers on Tuesday, followed by a warming trend

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Today is set to be one of the coolest days in central Montana in several weeks, but it will remain warm in eastern Montana. Temperatures will climb to just 77° in Helena this afternoon, nearly 10° cooler than normal and the first time since July 3rd that high temps have been in the 70s.

A cold front is headed through the area, which is triggering a few showers and thunderstorms. Scattered showers and thunderstorms will pop up across central Montana through the evening, then skies will clear overnight. Lightning strikes, gusty winds and heavy downpours are possible from those storms. Rain showers will be most persistent west of the Divide today, where there will be a tenth to a third of an inch of precipitation. Lesser amounts are anticipated east of the Divide.

While the cold front helps to keep smoke from wildfires at bay today, smoke from local wildfires may impact air quality locally. A breezy westerly wind sustained at 10-20mph will develop for the afternoon

After that, a hot and dry weather patter will take hold for the remainder of the week and into the weekend. There is the possibility a few areas may reach triple-digit heat by Friday.