

More sunshine but feeling subzero

and last updated

Snow has moved out of the area today, but we are tracking much colder temperatures this afternoon. Clouds moved out quickly last night and resulted in temperatures dropping much lower as well.

We are starting out in single digits for actual temperatures, but with just a slight breeze, it is feeling a lot more like we are in the negatives. 

Central and Western Montana have icy and snowy roads this morning:

AM Road Conditions
AM Road Conditions

A disturbance moves through tomorrow and gusts will pick up to 30-40 MPH in Central Montana.

The disturbance also brings in higher chances of snow Friday evening into Saturday.

Around two inches is expected in Great Falls with over 8 inches of additional snow expected in higher elevations of Kings Hill Pass.

Snow mostly will track along a line over Central Montana.

We track warmer and drier weather starting next week.

Montana Department of Transportation resources:

STORMTracker Weather resources: