CommunityUnder the Big Sky


New episode premieres in September | Under the Big Sky

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A new episode of Under the Big Sky featuring Enell Sports Bras, La Chatelaine Chocolat Co. and the R.L. Winston Rod company premieres Saturday, September 22nd at 6:00 and 10:35 PM followed by encore airings on Sunday, September 23rd at 4:30 and 10:35 PM on all MTN stations.

Havre, MT based Enell founder Renelle Braaten knows what her customers are going through. As an avid volleyball player, Renelle was forced to double-up on bras during her workouts.

In this Enell bonus feature, company founder Renelle Braaten walks us through the fascinating history of the sports bra and her search for support and comfort. 

Frustrated with the lack of support in the sports bra market, Renelle put her entrepreneurial spirit to work and recruited the one person she knew would understand and help—her mom. A talented seamstress, Renelle’s mom went to work constructing a sports bra that would provide the proper support and comfort. 

This would lead Renelle to a patent on her innovative design. Soon friends and fellow athletes were getting in on the action. In pursuit of the perfect bra, Renelle recruited several women for wear testing, and teamed up with a leading authority on sports bra research. 

After extensive testing in a sports biomechanics lab, the Enell sport bra was introduced in 1993. Renelle and her team continues to innovate in design and style for well-endowed women. 

Under The Big Sky® is a storytelling series featuring interesting people, businesses and stories that are found under the Big Sky. 

All our current stories and bonus features are available on our website: 

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For more information about Enell visit,

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