

Retired Great Falls teacher builds desks for students

These are for students in remote learning.
Student Desks
and last updated

HELENA — Remote learning has created both opportunity and challenges for students studying remotely. MTN News visited with Reid Miller, a retired Great Falls teacher who is hoping to bring a touch of the classroom into home.

“I saw on my computer a story about some men that were building desks that are called 'desks for dads,’ or 'dads for desks.' So I thought, why not Grandpa for desks too," says Miller, who now lives in Helena.

Miller doesn’t typically spend his retirement days drilling and measuring wood but he saw challenges of kids having to do school work from home with his two grandchildren.

“I saw times where they got a little tired at the counter because normally kids don’t have hours and hours of homework like they do now,” says Mr. Miller. “Most houses aren’t set up for long term studying.”

With the help of an online trend of dads building desks and his connections to schools, Mr. Miller received orders. Since Thanksgiving, he has built over 15 desks for students in remote learning. Mr. Miller never gets to see the kids due to the pandemic but has received many cards thanking him.

Web Extra: Retired teacher builds desks for students in Helena

"That impact for the ones that are getting it, I think it's great because it's giving them a spot when they are at home and having to be responsible more so for their education than coming to school and going 'Oh, I'm at school, I have to do school work,’ right,” says Micah Kemper, a counselor at Kessler Elementary School. She coordinates the project between the students and Mr. Miller.

Mr. Miller is getting ready to send off five more desks. He says he will continue building them as long as students need them.

Mr. Miller says he's built desks for students in over half the schools in the Helena area. If you have a student that wants a desk, they can speak with their counselor. Donations are accepted.