

Coming up: a rare full blue 'super-moon'

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GREAT FALLS — On Monday night (August 19, 2024), we are going to be treated to an uncommon kind of full moon.

First, it is a supermoon, which means the moon will appear bigger and brighter than usual as the full moon is coinciding with perigree, which is the point in the moon's orbit when it is closest to Earth.

Supermoons by themselves are actually pretty common as about 25% of full moons are supermoons.

Second, tonight's full moon is a blue moon, but not because it is the second full moon in a month (which is known as a monthly blue moon). This blue moon is considered a seasonal blue moon.

Most astronomical seasons feature three full moons, but sometimes in a season, including this summer, there are four full moons.

When there are four full moons in a season, the third full moon of the season is considered a blue moon. Only 3% of full moons are blue moons.

The website explains:

A seasonal Blue Moon is the traditional definition of a Blue Moon and refers to the third full moon in a season that has four full moons according to NASA. The second definition — which arose from a misunderstanding of the original — is the monthly Blue Moon, referring to the second full moon in a single calendar month. Today, this monthly Blue Moon is accepted as an alternative definition rather than a mistake, according to Time and Date.

I know this is a lot of hype for a full moon that will look similar to a normal full moon (and no it will not look blue, but it may look red due to haze in the sky), BUT just know that the last time we had a super full blue moon was in 2018 and we won't have another one until 2037! On average, these only happen once a decade!

CBS News reports that supermoons occur when the moon's orbit is closest to Earth at the same time as the moon is full, according to NASA. The moon's distance from Earth varies between about 221,457 miles and 252,712 miles.

During this month's supermoon peak, the moon will be around 225,288 miles from Earth. It will be even closer to Earth in September: roughly 222,005 miles.

In October, the full moon will be about 222,095 miles from Earth. The last supermoon in the series — in November — will be when the moon is around 224,385 miles from Earth.