GREAT FALLS — Hundreds of presents have been wrapped this year as part of Operation Santa in Great Falls. This is the second year it’s been held, and it is designed to bring more cheer and people together for the holidays.
Ivers Construction and Concrete and Cornerstone Appraisals sponsored the event to give gifts to kids in different school districts, and this year, Whittier Elementary School will be the recipient of more than 500 gifts.
Along with gifts, Santa will be delivering them with his very own sleigh. There aren’t reindeer, but there will be horses to pull Santa through the streets of Great Falls.
Event organizer Laura Vukasin says they had no problem getting donations and help they needed to prepare for the event and are looking forward to Christmas morning.
“People were so generous this year with gifts and donations, as people in Great Falls always are. We have over 200 volunteers as well and it’s just so nice to see the joy in children and the look on their faces,” Vukasin said. “That’s the best morning anyone can have is to go out and help people who might not get to experience the cheer and joy of Christmas like most of us do. We just want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and bring cheer to their day.”

Operation Santa will start at 10 a.m. on Christmas morning (Saturday, December 25) in Gibson Park.
There will be two teams of horses and the event is open to the public to follow the sleighs.