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Big Brothers-Big Sisters prep for 'Bowl For Kids' Sake'

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GREAT FALLS — The annual Bowl For Kids’ Sake event is happening on September 28, 2024, and if you want to support mentorship opportunities for local youth, this is the perfect chance to get involved.

Skyler Bilbrey, Community Outreach Coordinator for Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS), shares that the organization matches mentors and volunteers with children—referred to as "littles"—in the community.

'Bowl For Kids' Sake' preview (2024)

“We provide them with opportunities and experiences they may not have had otherwise. The one-on-one time with volunteers helps build relationships, teaches positive reinforcement, boosts confidence, and more,” Bilbrey explains.

Bowl For Kids’ Sake has been one of the major fundraising events for Big Brothers Big Sisters for nearly two decades. However, due to the pandemic, the event was paused, and the team is now working diligently to bring it back with full momentum.

“It’s one of our largest events,” Bilbrey notes. “We’re really excited to involve the community again. It’s not just about raising funds for a great cause, but also about having fun while doing it.”

How to Participate

Individuals and businesses alike can participate in this exciting event on September 28, 2024. There are several options available, with four different time slots to choose from: 1 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 4 p.m., and 5:30 p.m. The last two sessions, known as the "black light" rounds, feature glowing lights and cosmic-themed bowling for an added layer of fun.

Closing in on Fundraising Goal

Bilbrey shared that they are currently at $15,000 of their $25,000 fundraising goal for Great Falls. The funds raised will go toward supporting and maintaining mentor-mentee matches in the area. “This money helps with the application process, interviews, and match support, ensuring quality matches throughout their time together,” she said.

Volunteers Needed

In addition to raising funds, Big Brothers Big Sisters is in need of volunteer “Bigs” who can commit to at least a year of mentorship. Volunteers must be 18 or older, pass a background check, and have reasonable expectations for the program.

“There are currently about 30 children on the waitlist, and some have been waiting nearly two years for a match. We need volunteers now more than ever,” Bilbrey emphasizes.

For more information about participating in the event or volunteering as a mentor, you can contact Skyler at 406-205-0036, orclick here.

Mark your calendars and don’t miss this opportunity to have fun while making a meaningful impact on the lives of local children!