GREAT FALLS — In its first nine months of operation, the Carnivorium mobile restaurant in Great Falls exceeded a milestone in July with its "Day of Giving."
The Carnivorium is described as a mobile drive-thru restaurant, serving the classics - burgers, hot dogs, and fries. The restaurant is open five days a week from March to December, and visits a designated location each of those days.
On the second Wednesday of each month, the Carnivorium donates 10% of its profits from the day to a Great Falls non-profit organization.
Dave Snuggs, owner of Carnivorium, explained, “What I decided was when I did this, I said, ‘I want this to be more than just a great place to get some great American-made food. It should be a community asset and it should help the greater good.’ So I said to myself, ‘Why don’t we figure out a way to do a community project and we’ll donate funds to it’.”
So far, the Carnivorium has donated more than $10,000 to 15 organizations, all aimed at different missions. They include the Great Falls Community Food Bank, Special Olympics Montana, the Great Falls Children’s Receiving Home, Pet Paw-see, the Maclean-Cameron Animal Adoption Center, My Student In Need, Big Brothers-Big Sisters, the Montana Air National Guard Family Support Fund, Eagle Mount, My Neighbor in Need, and Grace Veteran’s Home.
The Great Falls Community Food Bank was one of the first organizations to receive a donation from the Carnivorium and they were able to use donation to assist in their operations.
“You know, the food bank really relies on small and large businesses for contributions, so when we get something from businesses like Carnivorium, we’re just thrilled to death and Dave’s done such a great job and has always been a big supporter of ours, so we’re thrilled that he’s been able to make it and Carnivorium’s been a success and to help out all these charities is just wonderful,” said Shaun Tatarka, director of the Great Falls Community Food Bank.
Before the restaurant’s current season ends in December, Snuggs plans to donate to five more non-profit organizations including FISH, the YWCA Mercy Home, Meals On Wheels, the Danny Berg Memorial, and the Great Falls Clinic Legacy Foundation.
The Great Falls Clinic Legacy Foundation was delighted to find out they were selected to receive a Day of Giving donation, and are already making arrangements on what those funds will be used for.

“We’re still in the process of paying off the construction, we’re real close, about 78% to having that completely paid off, but there’s also the sustainability for the facility, and we’re still having to purchase things like blankets and pillows and all that at the same time, so it is going to go to great use, and I know without a question, on behalf of the Legacy Foundation, we thank everybody who’s donated and who will donate,” said Grant Bebee, fundraising manager for the Great Falls Clinic Legacy Foundation.
In addition to the five non-profit organizations that will receive a donation from the Carnivorium later this year, two other organizations will be selected to receive a surprise donation before the end of the restaurant’s season in December.
Carnivorium (website) is open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on the following days/locations:
- Tuesdays: Holiday Village Mall (Scheels entrance)
- Wednesdays: Mountain View Co-op (Black Eagle)
- Thursdays: Benefis Womens' & Childrens's Center (10th Avenue South)
- Fridays: The Flamingo (10th Ave South)
- Saturdays: Holiday Village Mall (Scheels entrance)