

Obituary: Michael Lee Clark

December 27, 1971 - April 7, 2021
Michael Lee Clark
Posted 5:59 PM, Apr 16, 2021
and last updated 10:15 PM, Apr 20, 2021

On April 7, 2021, Michael Clark “W. Grizwald the III” decided to go walleye fishing forevermore. We hope you catch only big ones from now on! Mike was born on December 27, 1971, in San Diego County, CA. He came to Great Falls, MT when he was a baby and he always considered himself as “born and raised” in Montana. He was father to three wonderful children, Danton, Devin, and Neva. They will miss him greatly.

Mike joined the Navy immediately after graduating from Great Falls High School in 1990. In the Navy, he graduated at the top of his class from EOD School. He served honorably in the Navy, U.S. Naval Reserves, and in the Army National Guard. He did one tour in Iraq during the Gulf War and went to Iraq again as a civilian contractor doing explosives work. Mike was very proud of his service to his country.

Mike was a passionate walleye fisherman. His passion for fishing came from his Great Uncle Merville, who would take him camping and fishing in his dinghy and feed him onion sandwiches all weekend. Mike was an excellent skier and spent over 40 years enjoying Showdown. Mike owned a successful electrical business. He was a serious Griz fan…GO GRIZ!

To read the complete obituary and share condolences, visit the Schnider Funeral Home website.