

Obituary: Donna Elaine Fugle

August 25, 1939 — March 7, 2025
Donna Elaine Fugle
August 25, 1939 — March 7, 2025

Donna Elaine (Aschim) Fugle passed away peacefully on March 7th, 2025 surrounded by her children at Peace Hospice House in Great Falls, Montana.

Donna was born on August 25, 1939 to Lester and Dorothy Aschim of Sunburst, Montana. She spent her childhood there, graduating from North Toole County High School in 1957. Her lifelong love of music began in the school band and marching band, playing saxophone, oboe, drums, piano and singing with her family. When her parents and sisters moved to Anacortes, Washington (as did many Sunburst families), Donna remained behind and worked in the Buttrey’s meat department in Shelby. By then she was dating Melvin Ray Fugle of Cut Bank, and the two of them were married on November 8th, 1958 in Anacortes, Washington. The Fugles made their home on the family farm North of Cut Bank. There, they raised livestock, crops, gardens and four happy children. They celebrated 61 years of marriage before Melvin passed in 2019.

Donna loved and encouraged children and young people. She was a 25 year 4-H leader in Glacier County for the Twixt Town and Country 4-H Club. She and several other young mothers in the North Country took turns driving a batch of kindergarteners to school, cementing lifelong friendships. On the first day of school, some of those ladies would run away to the Lodge at East Glacier for lunch, a tradition that continued for many years.

Donna served as a Sunday school teacher and other positions at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Cut Bank. She participated in the North Country Circle and Bible studies with ladies from several church denominations.

After raising her children she worked as head cook at the Parkview Senior Center, serving lunches, monthly dinner dances and meals on wheels. Her cinnamon rolls were famous! She also worked as a weather reporter at the Cut Bank International Airport.

Throughout it all, family and friends came first! The coffee pot was always on, treats and card games were at the ready, and a few extra people at dinnertime was never a problem. Mel would always tease, “Company! Better add some water to the soup!” Donna was a much loved Aunt and Grandmother. She always had time to take visiting kids to the barn to see the newest baby lambs or calves. She was famous for her tea parties with the grandkids and could be counted on to rescue them from the latest catastrophes and dry tears and get them laughing.

Mom worked hard and taught us how to work too, having fun at the same time. She loved to fish, hunt and camp. Her campfire cooking was legendary. She survived winter by poring over the garden seed catalogs. She was a voracious reader.

She is survived by her children, Joni (Harry) Kittle, Leonard Fugle, Melvin Brian (Diane) Fugle, Rhonda (Jimmy) Littrell; sister, Karen Glassman (Butch Arens); brothers-in-law, Noel Johnson, Robert Grimm, and Pete Halvorson. Her grandchildren are Anthony and Cody Fugle, Daniel and Emily Fugle and Coalter, Sydnei, and Darci Littrell. She has eight great grandchildren and many dear nieces and nephews.

To read the complete obituary and share condolences, click here to visit the Asper Funeral Home website.