In the video above, Owen Skornik-Hayes reports on flooding across parts of north and central Montana after heavy rains soaked the region over the last two days.
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The Blaine County Fairgrounds have almost entirely flooded over due to incessant rains from Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday evening across the region.
According to USClimateData, Chinook averages 1.41 inches of rain in the entirety of September.
In just 24 hours, they doubled that total, with more piling on throughout the evening.
One resident, Ken Overcast, said it’s about as much rain as he’s regularly seen in the area.
“It’s only really happened one time this time of year, that in my lifetime was 1986. And yeah, that year I think it rained eight inches,” said Overcast.
Towns and counties across Montana have reported leaks as well as minor flooding. These include Choteau, Bynum, and Judith Basic County.
Lewistown had measured rain total approaching 3.5 inches in 24 hours.
Judith Peak experienced nearly 4.5 inches.
Crystal Lake topped them all with a whopping 5 inches.
As the rain is expected to phase out for much of central Montana over the next 24 hours, it seems major disaster has been averted.