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FWP puts out a call for volunteers to teach Hunter Education

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Posted 9:17 PM, Jul 11, 2023
and last updated 9:28 PM, Jul 11, 2023

For many hunters, education is the first step into adulthood. Successful completion of the program allows young people to go out into the field as licensed hunters.

These classes are growing in popularity across Montana and that means a great need for instructors.

“Now that we’re kind of on the other side of that, we’re continuing to see student numbers rise again. But, our number of hunter education instructors has kind of taken a hit. What we’re hoping to do is invite more people to come and volunteer as hunter education instructors,” said FWP’s Morgan Jacobsen.

A prerequisite for taking on this role is experience and passion.

“We would invite anybody who’s passionate about hunting and who enjoys teaching and passing on their experience and knowledge to the next generation to come and volunteer as a hunter education instructor,” said Jacobsen.

You want to help but don’t think you can teach. FWP has loads of resources to help. The need for volunteers goes well beyond the classroom.

“That could come in many different forms. It could be volunteering in a classroom and helping teach kids about firearm safety, about hunting with a bow, and how to go about doing that safely and legally. As well as volunteering at a field day where you actually get to help kids handle and use firearms and teach them how to be safe and successful when they’re out hunting,” said Jacobsen.

All it takes is access to the internet, or just a phone to get started as an instructor.

“The best thing is to go to our website at and under the education section you’ll find a hunter education program and learn how to become a volunteer. Folks can always also reach out to our Region 3 office in Bozeman at 406-577-7900 and say ‘I want to volunteer with hunter education’ and we’ll get you going,” said Jacobsen.


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