HELENA — In 2021, Jamie Forrest of Helena sent a video to the YWCA of Helena Staff to see how he could help them serve the community. They responded by sending him a video asking for donations of stuffed animals.
That’s when Forrest first organized a hand-made holiday craft sale to raise funds to purchase stuffies and toys for young people who use and depend on the YWCA’s facilities and services during the winter holidays. Now 8 years old, he described the motivation behind his craft sale idea.
“I felt like they don’t have enough Christmas presents for all the kids, and if I helped, they could. No one else wanted to help, so I did,” said Forrest.
“Jamie is a remarkable young person. We used to walk by the YWCA all the time, and one day, he asked what they did; I told him, and that inspired him to find a way to help support them,” said Meg Crane, Executive Director of Wild Rose School.
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Forrest also uses sales profits to buy about 30 toys from Lasso the Moon Wonderful Toys in Downtown Helena to donate to the YWCA.
He adds that every kid deserves a toy or stuffed animal.
"I want kids always to have stuffies so they can have fun. Many of them don’t have some, and I have plenty, and so should everyone,” he explained.
The sale will occur on Saturday, Dec. 7, from 1:30 pm to 5:00 pm at Aspen Adult Services at 322 Fuller Ave. in Helena.