Casey Blanchard, one of the victims of a March 14th shooting in Missoula, continues to recover and has been moved to rehabilitation.
Blanchard was shot eight times including in the left arm, chest, spine, abdomen, and both legs as he exited his vehicle to check on a motorist who he thought needed assistance, according to the Blanchard family.
He has undergone 10 surgeries and was moved to rehabilitation on April 16. As of now, he is limited in most of life’s daily activities, but continues to make progress every day.
In the statement released by the Montana Highway Patrol, his family thanked everyone for their support and prayers.
Blanchard was one of four victims in a series of shootings near Missoula in mid-March. Shelley Hays died from his injuries while Montana Highway Patrol Trooper Wade Palmer continues to recover in a Utah hospital.
A spaghetti benefit dinner is being held in the Blanchards’ honor on April 27, 2019 from 4-8 p.m. at St. Mary’s Parish in Stevensville. There will be a live and silent auction. Dinner is $10 a plate with children 10 and under free.
All Montana Buffalo Wild Wings locations are donating 20 percent of their proceeds on May 13 to the victims of the Missoula/Evaro shootings with the presentation of a coupon that can be downloaded here.