NewsCrime and Courts


Chinook man facing charges for shooting and leaving two bull elk in Blaine County

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A Chinook man is facing seven charges for shooting two bull elk from a pickup and leaving them in the field.

Cameron Dow Overcast is scheduled to appear to his arraignment in Blaine County Justice Court to enter a plea for the pending charges, according to the Havre Herald.

Court documents state Overcast shot two bull elk dead with a 22-250 rifle while driving on Lloyd Road in Blaine County and then leaving the elk there.

Prosecutors contend he shot the elk Feb. 11, out of his season, and on property he did not have permission to be on, according to the Havre Herald.

On Feb. 14, 2019, Region 6 Havre wardens received a TIP-MONT call about a dead bull elk approximately two miles north of Cow Creek Reservoir off Lloyd Road about 30 miles south of Chinook.

Wardens responded to the area and located a seven-by-seven bull elk. Another dead six-by-six bull elk was then found nearby. After further investigation, wardens determined both elk were shot and left to waste on the hillside.

Wardens then reached out to the public for any information about the person or persons responsible.

The pending charges against Overcast include waste of game animal, game fish, or game bird, two counts; failure to obtain landowner permission for hunting; hunting or fishing during closed season- large game animal, two counts; unlawful hunting from public highway; and hunting from a motor vehicle.

Click here to read the story at the Havre Herald.