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FWP monitoring wolf sightings in Cooke City near Yellowstone National Park


HELENA – Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks officials are monitoring wolf behavior in and around Cooke City and Silver Gate north of Yellowstone National Park.

According to a news release Thursday, wolves have been repeatedly seen in Cooke City during nighttime hours, including on Main Street, side streets, and the Bannock Trail. They also reported a wolf killed a dog outside a home about two weeks ago.

At this time, FWP said there have been no reports of wolves approaching humans. Pet owners should avoid letting pets run freely and walk dogs on leash in lighted areas when walking at night.

FWP added the behavior is concerning because their proximity to people leads to an increased chance of habituation or the possibility of another pet being killed.

Wildlife managers are reminding people that feeding wildlife is illegal and dangerous and all pet food should be kept indoors. FWP said, however, that there is no evidence wolves are being baited.

Montana law allows residents to kill a wolf without a permit if it is threatening or attacking a person, pet, or livestock on public or private land.

Any incidents of a wolf threatening or attacking a person or animal, or if action is taken against a wolf, must be reported to Fish, Wildlife and Parks.