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Horse tails cut off in Gallatin Valley


BIG SKY – There have been a few animal cruelty cases in Gallatin Valley recently, including horses, cattle, and dogs being shot. The cruelty has continued with more horses in Big Sky.

“I feel violated. It’s almost like someone broke into your house,” horse owner Greg Hodge said.

It was a typical morning routine for Hodge, which includes feeding his horses. He quickly noticed something different. His horse Ruby had a shorter tail that was clearly cut with scissors.

Most people think when they cut a tail that it’s really just hair, but to a horse, it’s part of their well being and impacts their daily life.

“It doesn’t grow back like human hair. Horses need this kind of hair on their tails to swat flies, for balance walking down trails. It’s a very vital part of their makeup,” Hodge said.

Hodge contacted the Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office immediately and they are currently looking into the case and following a few leads.

Since the incident, Hodge has installed LED lights outside his home to be able to keep a closer eye on the horses at night.

Trying to explain to his young children why someone would do this hasn’t been the easiest.

“This is just an example of something that ruins your peace of mind knowing that your animals, you do the best to take care of them and protect them just like you do your children and anything else, and someone comes and violates that trust; it’s a little difficult. Going forward I hope that people just keep a little more vigilant and keep their eyes open. If they see anything let people know,” Hodge said.

  • Reported by Emma Hamilton