The United States declared the Space Force as an official branch of the U.S. military in December of 2019.
The Montana Veterans Memorial, along with the Space Force Association (SFA), wanted to make it official by adding the seal to the memorial wall.
On Tuesday, June 27th 2023, the U.S. Space Force seal was unveiled.
A team of Space Force Guardians added the plaque to the memorial wall as a symbol of honor.

Due to the U.S. Space Force being so new, it is also not widely known among the nation.
The SFA is working to educate people about what the Space Force is and how critical its role is for our country.
Bill Woolf, a retired Air Force colonel, is the president of the SFA, and says he recognizes this lack of awareness about the Space Force and appreciates that today's ceremony could be helpful in getting the word out to more people about the agency and its mission.

"It's all about recognition," said Woolf. "[people] don't even realize the Space Force is a real branch of the military."
The SFA's goal is to help educate the nation on the importance of military service, specifically the Space Force.
Malmstrom Air Force Base is home to a small Space Force squadron, Detachment 1 of 22 Space Operations Squadron (Det 1, 22 SOPS). With about 17 members, they are serving a classified cyber mission.

The non-profit SFA was established near the end of 2019, just a few months before the Space Force became a service. Woolf welcomes the challenge of getting the word out about the Space Force. Space Force only has a few bases and by design a limited organizational structure. In total, there are about 18,000 service members (known as Guardians) and civilians in the Space Force.
“There aren't a lot of men and women walking around in uniform with Space Force on their uniform,” said Woolf. “So a lot of people don’t even recognize or understand that the Space Force is a service in the Department of Defense.”
Click here to visit the SFA website; click here to visit the Space Force website.
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