BILLINGS — If you're looking for something fun to do outside next weekend, registration is open for the 2024 Quality of Life Run at ZooMontana.
Formed by the Billings Association of Realtors, the Quality of Life committee was formed to provide outreach for the community. The Quality of Life run is one of the group's two biggest fundraisers for local nonprofits of the year.
Proceeds from next weekend's run will go to Warrior Wishes, a nonprofit that fills in the gaps for veterans when it comes to things like paying rent, providing gas funds, and even helping with meals. Last month, Warrior Wishes prevented six veterans in the community from being evicted.

"It's so nice to have others help us because we work on a 4% and a 96%. So every dollar we receive, 4% goes to our admin fund, which isn't really that much. 96 goes to our general fund which is helping other veterans," said president of the nonprofit, David West Saturday.
"The fun run is at 9 o'clock. The big run is at 8 o'clock. But after that, you have full entry to the zoo, so it's kind of cool, because you get to be some of the first ones there, and you get to see the animals waking up and kind of in their element before all the other visitors show up," said Quality of Life committee chair, Mikayla Kovach.
Warrior Wishes will use the proceeds to fund events like Vetsgiving, where they provide free of cost Thanksgiving meals to veterans. You can sign up for the run here.