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Great Falls gym encourages girls to be strong

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GREAT FALLS — Anchor Fitness is setting up a zoom meeting for young girls between the ages of 7-16 for them to engage in exercise, nutrition, and a craft project, and each meeting will have a special speaker.

The idea of the "Warrior Club" all came from past struggles that the owner Tamara Podry had experienced.

She wanted her little girl Sienna Podry to be able to find strength when dealing with things as a young girl.

"Warrior club been something that I've been thinking about and dreaming about and praying about for a long time. I feel somewhat called to just speak to what being strong is. I found it in my life meaningful to have a deep like internal strength through so many hard things that I've had to face. Wanting just to encourage young girls to be strong mentally, physically and emotionally, that's important to me that there's not just one aspect of being strong, that you need to be strong in your mind, and you need to be strong in your, you know, emotional strength." says Tamara Podry.

They hosted their first meeting April 11th and Podry was moved by the conversations brought on by the girls during the session. The second meeting was Saturday May 9th.

"I was impressed with, obviously, what some of the parents are already instilling in their kids, teaching them about that, how valuable they are, and that it's okay to be different from everybody else that you don't have to get the approval of everyone. And so that was encouraging and inspiring. I mean, I was practically moved to tears just listening to them. Preach to me about what it means to be strong," says Podry.

Tamara also tells us the zoom meetings will be temporary and hopes to transition the meeting outside.

"I think going forward we may try to do it outside. I think the weather will be great and the next month and doing something outside will allow for us to have not to be limited by space or by the numbers that we're allowed to have based on the new restrictions and, you know, precautions that we need to take. Plus being outside is just so energizing anyway," says Podry.

The second meeting is set to take place every month. You can check the Anchor Fitness Facebook page for details.