GREAT FALLS — Now that the first major accumulation of snow of the season has fallen in Great Falls, some people have wondered what the rules are for removing it - along sidewalks and parking lots in residential areas and businesses, and along roads maintained by the city.
The City of Great Falls website states that it is not possible to remove all the snow simultaneously from all of the City streets; the goal is to provide access to desired destinations such as employment, shopping, and community services in a quick, convenient, safe manner. Thoroughfares in Great Falls will be cleared by the following schedule:
- Priority One (Red): Emergency Snow Routes. These streets provide a network system throughout the city for emergency services operations. They are marked by road signs throughout the city.
- Priority Two (Black): Major Arterials. Streets interconnecting with high volume streets and completing the major street network with particular attention to schools, hospitals and business areas.
- Priority Three (Green): Selected Collector Streets. These streets include mass transit routes and other collector streets necessary to provide access to major arterials.
Most residential streets and others not mentioned in Priority one, two, or three. These streets are not normally cleared unless impassable. After clearing of the other priorities, special requests as manpower, equipment, are available.
The following roads are maintained by the State of Montana Highway Department:
- All Bridges
- 1st & 2nd Avenue North
- 14th & 15th Streets
- 10th Avenue South
- 6th Street South West
- North West Bypass
- Central Avenue West
- River Drive
- 3rd Street North West
- Park Drive
- Vaughn Road
- 57th Street
- Bootlegger Trail
- Old Havre Highway
- Market Place Exit "0"
- 25th Avenue North East from Old Havre Highway to the East
The city Snow & Ice Control Plan notes: "Snow and ice control is frequently a matter of choosing between two evils. For example, plowing snow off to the side of the street may clean the center, but it often covers sidewalks, blocks driveways and parked vehicles. Plowing to a windrow down the center of the street may alleviate these problems, but may create others by impeding left turns and restricting traffic flow.

Below is official guidance from the City of Great Falls:
City of Great Falls Code states:
- 12.11.030 - Snow and ice removal—owner's duty: It shall be the duty of the owner(s) of any premises within the limits of the City to keep the sidewalk in front of and adjoining the premises free from obstructions or accumulation subject to the special conditions set out in this chapter.
- 12.11.040 - Snow and ice removal—hours designated for completion: Snow, ice, and similar material that has accumulated during the preceding hours shall be removed from sidewalks in commercial areas before 11:00 a.m. each day and shall be removed from residential areas within twenty-four (24) hours after the snowfall. Once cleared, all sidewalks shall be kept clear of snow, ice, and similar material.
- 12.11.050 - Snow and ice removal—depository prohibited where: Snow, ice, and similar material removed from sidewalks and driveways shall not be deposited on the adjoining streets, avenues, separately owned properties, or alleys.
For more information click here to see the Snow & Ice Control Plan.
For street maintenance questions or to report a street problem, call the PAR-TNER line at 406-727-8637, the Public Works Operations Office at 406-771-1401, or submit an issue via the online Street Maintenance Notification Form.