NewsGreat Falls News


Great Falls first responders appreciate community support

Posted at 9:04 AM, Dec 24, 2023

GREAT FALLS — As a first responder, holidays do not mean time off. Police Officers and Fire Fighters are on call 24/7, 365 days a year. This means that not everyone is able to see their families during the holiday season.

“It’s a tough time to work as a first responder just because we are away from our family and friends,” Aaron Frick, Patrol Sergeant for the Great Falls Police Department said, “And we don't get the luxury necessarily to get holidays off, especially on patrol.”

Thankfully, the Great Falls Police Officers are shown support by the incredible community, who have been dropping off Christmas goodies every day as a way to say thank you for their service.

“And we have officers working, you know, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day,” Frick said, “It's not uncommon for people to bring in full meals for officers to be able to eat during their breaks.”

While the holiday shifts can be hard, there is a certain camaradie that is built with coworkers who are going through it together. Sargent Frick says that it is those relationships that make the season better.

“I don't want to say that I love working holidays, but I do look forward to to the people that I work with and getting to spend that time with them,” Sargent Frick said, “Because I know they also are missing their family. And so it's kind of like, we have to be here, so let's make the best of it.”

The entire Great Falls Police Department is thankful to the Great Falls and greater Cascade County Community for their continued support toward first responders.