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Great Falls civic leaders present 'State of the City'

Great Falls City Manager Greg Doyon
and last updated

GREAT FALLS — On Monday afternoon, a "State of the City" meeting was conducted at the Civic Center in Great Falls.

Each head of the 11 departments in Great Falls gathered to make presentations about the current state of their respective areas.

Each department took 15 minutes to explain their greatest accomplishments in 2021, their biggest challenges, and their goals for 2022.

Many noted that their plans involve federal ARPA/CARES funding.

This meeting does not set formal policy; rather it is to allow commissioners to get an idea of what is to come in the upcoming fiscal year.

Opening - Greg Doyon, City Manager
Legal Department - Jeff Hindoien
Human Resources - Gaye McInerney
Deputy City Manager - Chuck Anderson
Finance Department - Melissa Kinzler
Library - Susie McIntyre
Planning and Community Development - Craig Raymond
Housing Authority - Greg Sukut
Public Works Department - Paul Skubinna
Park and Recreation - Steve Herrig
Police Department - Jeff Newton
Fire Department - Jeremy Jones

City Attorney’s office

  •  An adaptation of the loss of four staff members
  • Participation with a Great Falls crime task force to assist the community and identifying and addressing the host of issues relating to crime and law enforcement
  • Review and modification of internal processes to improve operational efficiency


  • And undersize criminal division staffing
  • Great Falls currently has the least amount of prosecutors per number of citations written municipal court


  • Even through the staffing shortage morale and quality of the department is outstanding. 

Hope for the Future

  • The department was unable to establish a stable structure for processing and advancing code enforcement cases and they hope to be able to carry out the planning and community development department. 

Human Resources

  • Being able to maintain the standards they had set


  • Staffing shortages as well as Covid Protocols


  • Rising above the challenges they received and continue to provide effective services such as payroll Hope for the Future
  • Continue and improve their plan that is outlined it to the commission

Administration Department

  • animal shelter continued to implement the help us grow donation program to fund shelter improvements
  • The city clerk was able to inventory more than 500 large record books/boxes to determine the appropriate status 
  • Communication was able to commanage with IT for a redign implication and promotion of the cities website
  • Adapt to the fluid Covid pandemic impacts in events and helping others feel safe in the Civic Center facilities
  • An IT implemented a multifactor authorization to city employees and network users


  • lack of space to provide ideal living conditions to treat and administer incoming animals at the shelter
  • The city clerk struggled to provide consistent A/V capabilities to advance virtual meetings
  • Adapting to evolving security threats without a security expert on staff


  • Same as accomplishments  

Hope for the Future

  • Continue working on the animal shelter and create programs and services that will generate revenue
  • The city clerk hope to scan more than 1400 permanent office files
  • Develop a citywide strategic communication and engagement development plan
  • Complete and finalize an enterprise software migrations to stabilize planning finances and HR functions

Finance Department

  • How was with the insurance of $10 million in bonds out of park maintenance district


  • Partly completed the conversion of finance and utility software from Tyler New World to Tyler Munis
  • Added/redesign positions and has a new staff


  • New positions and new staff

Hope for the Future

  • complete the conversion of the software
  • Train new staff and train departments on the new software

Great Falls Library

  • re-roofing
  • A redesigned website
  • Master plan and funding contract


  • safety and staffing


  • Open more hours and providing more services than ever before in Montana

Hope for the Future

  • complete the transition of inventory/security system
  • Upgrading new Internet connection
  • A completion of the new library master plan

Planning and Community Development

  • substantially progress towards fully electronic system
  • Facade renovation underway
  • Land of element codes updated


  • volume of code complaints
  • Lack of office space for current needs and growth


  • Continuation of improving internal coordination and external permitting efficiency

Hope for the Future

  • reestablish parking program/funding project 

Great Falls Housing Authority

  • improve scores across the categories within the HUD’s scoring mythology


  • Housing instability due to Drug use and mental health


  • New board of commissioners
  • Increased/improved communication between the board and the GFHA staff

Hope for the Future

  • complete Austin Hall elevator upgrade
  • Complete six Plex modernization
  • Become fully staffed

Public Works

  • change of management
  • Successful fuel security project


  • Recruitment and retention of employees
  • Supply chains materials for the projects
  • Framework and resources to manage linear projects and infrastructure


Hope for the Future

  • Financially position public works to whether inflation
  • Plan to succeed in the future
  • Support responsible development ensure quality infrastructures

Park and Recreation Department

  • Park district project
  • Covid positivity
  • Major capital improvements that improve the quality of life for the local community


  • staffing


Hope for the Future

  • continue to benefit Great Falls

Great Falls Police Department

  • New police chief
  • Received cops higher in grant through which resulted in three new officers
  • Received several grants


  • staffing levels
  • Cost increased unsupported by budget that has persisted for years


  • attitudes and work ethic remain high

Hope for the Future

  • recruit hire and retain police officers
  • Convert old documents to digital as well as free up space for additional evidence

Great Falls Fire Rescue

  • Implementation and incorporation of the GFFR’s Mission vision and core values
  • Restructuring the Great Falls fire rescue organizational to allow for focus and oversight in areas of emergency response and preparation
  • Strengthening life safety and fire prevention in the community by adopting ordinances and strengthening fire code compliance


  • infrastructure


Hope for the Future

  • response capabilities
  • Community risk reductions
  • Funding opportunities