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Debate continues over funding for Great Falls Public Library

Great Falls Public Library funding discussed

The Great Falls Public Library is under threat of losing some critical funding. That funding would be 7 mills provided by the city.

Since 1993, the city has partnered with the library to support them financially. The city funds make up 27% of the library budget.

Now the city is proposing a withdrawal of mills, citing other priorities.

Many speculate the re-allocation of funds would be used for public safety.

This comes after the public safety levy failed to pass in 2023.

Beginning in fiscal year 2026, the city would reduce its mills from 7 to 3.5, slashing its contribution from $843,000 to $421,000 dollars.

The number of mills from the city to library would drop to zero or zero dollars after fiscal year 2027.

The library says in this instance it would be impossible to provide the expanded services promised to voters on the ballot last June.

A library negotiation committee has been assembled to present a rebuttal to city commissioners.

On Thursday, they voted on a compromise to allow the city to reduce its number of mills from 7 to 4.5.

The library says there would be some delays in building maintenance and a reduction in staff training, but services such as improving library safety, access to educational and language programs, a 7-day week and more wouldn’t be impacted.

The final vote? A 3-1 count by the library board of trustees to approve the libraries counter-offer to the city commissioners.

Some on the libraries board of trustees, and some city residents, are upset that voters passed the library levy and not the safety levy and yet city commissioners are hoping to “siphon” off funds for other issues from the library.

The library says voters voted for the levy under the guise the city would keep providing its previously agreed upon 7 mills of funding.

Some feel misled, believing the city are acting in their own interests.

The library will approach commissioners with their proposal where a vote may be conducted.