(GREAT FALLS) The Children’s Museum of Montana is asking for public comment as they look ahead to future plans.
“We’re going to start creating a new museum from the ground up. Our goal is to create a world class museum that really reflects Montana,” Museum Education Coordinator Alex Thompson said.
In four years, the museum will have to move out of its current location, which is owned by the city.
They plan to build a brand-new building and are looking to expand and update their displays and activities.
“Our focus is going to be mainly, what do you want the kids to learn?” Thompson said.
The museum is geared toward younger children but Thompson said they want the whole family to get involved.
“When I see the parents come in and interact and play with their kiddos, it’s a lot of fun. But you know, the kids are learning at the same time so that’s a great experience,” Thompson said.
He said this meeting will really help determine what the community need is.
“We want to take a lot of input from the community because it is for them. It’s for them, so it should be made by them as well,” Thompson said.
And although four years seems far out, Thompson said the architects will start designing the new building soon.
“The design is a really important phase. We have to let the architects know what we want to build before we can even get out boots on the ground,” Thompson said.
You can make a public comment at the meeting on April 16 at 5:30 p.m. at the museum.
During the meeting, you can comment on four different categories: design idea, community need, exhibits and activities— such as performances, speakers, and meeting spaces.
For those who cannot make the meeting, you can mail, call or email comments to the museum.
Phone: 406- 452- 6661
Email: museuminfo.cmom@gmail.com
Address: CMOM 22 Railroad Square, Great Falls, MT 59041