(GREAT FALLS) The Barn Vintage Treasures reopened its doors after closing for a month to renovate.
“I wanted less junk and more quality collectibles, antiques and treasures,” Owner Julie Knight said.
Knight said she was prompted to make a change when she realized she was accumulating too much junk.
She hopes to revamp her selection and have new items for every monthly market.
Knight said her favorite places to treasure hunt are auctions, but she also attends state sales.
She said her favorite part of antiquing is the history behind each item.
“I love to hear the stories that go with them. Imagine what they used to go through back then and compare it to how easy we have life now. I really wanted to upgrade my merchandise and have things that teach people the history and things that just have the quality of lasting a lifetime,” Knight said.
The Barn Vintage Treasures will be open every first Friday and Saturday of the month.
For each market she will feature a vendor and a local business.
For the grand opening she featured Feather Your Nest and Montana Antiques and Vintage Directory.
“We all need to help each other. Most of my friends are small business owners and they have given an amazing amount of support over the years. I’d like to return the favor,” Knight said.
Knight will offer workshops every monthly market.
“I want to educate the public on antiques, especially the younger crowd who doesn’t have an interest. I want to teach them that there is history and quality in these things. It’s not just your grandma’s stuff. This stuff can be integrated into the modern styles,” Knight said.
You can find more information about The Barn Vintage Treasures by following them on Facebook.