Theodore Loren Mckain is facing charges after allegedly driving his car into the Panther Cafe in Valier.

According to Pondera County Sheriff Robert Skorupa, Mckain, 71, faces charges for DUI, no insurance, and criminal mischief following the January 11 incident.
Skorupa said Mckain backed across Highway 44 from One Step Cenex and into the dining room of the Panther Cafe.
The damages are estimated at $15,000.
No injuries were reported.
(January 12, 2018) The Panther Café owner’s say they are thankful no customers were hurt Friday night when a car crashed through their restaurant.

Owner Tracy Landreth says it happened at 6:18 p.m.
Landreth tells MTN when she heard the collision it sounded like an explosion. When she looked, she saw a car in the dining room.
The car was near a table that cleared just 5 minutes before the incident happened.
At the time of the crash, there were still customers in the café.
Landreth says they do not know how much the damage will cost.
The Panther Café was back open for business Saturday morning.