

Teen dies in a crash in Fergus County

Fatal Crash
and last updated

(UPDATE) Dylan Morris, a senior at Fergus High School in Lewistown, has been identified as the victim. Click here for more information.

A 17-year old boy from Moore died in a crash in Fergus County on Sunday, October 17, 2021.

According to the Montana Highway Patrol, the teen - the only occupant of the vehicle - was driving north on Trout Creek Road at about 8:30 p.m. when he failed to negotiate a 90-degree turn at Sipple Road.

The car went through the intersection and off the road, and crashed into an embankment.

The car overturned and came to rest on the driver's side.

The MHP report says that speed was a factor in the crash, and that alcohol and drugs were not factors.

The report does not indicate whether the driver was wearing a seatbelt.

The name of the teen has not been released at this point.

We will update you if we get more information.