

Reactions to the “Grinchy” letter aimed at a Great Falls family’s Christmas lights

and last updated
Photo from Tisha Bloch
Photo from Tisha Bloch

(GREAT FALLS) Tisha Bloch on Wednesday shared with KRTV a photo of a Grinch-y letter she received.

Bloch said: “This is a letter my family received today. People in this town took time out of their day to mail this.”

The hand-written note says:

Dear house on 35th,
next year you might want to help your children decorate your yard.
It really is a mess.

Lots of lights but makes no sense.
Looks Awful.
neighbors 3 blocks away

Bloch later wrote in a public Facebook post:

To the people who wrote my family this letter, how dare you. Go Scrooge somewhere else and not around us. I can honestly say you are a terrible person inside and out. I’m not sure how they don’t make sense, they are lights that are put up for fun. You are an awful human being inside and out and what you have done doesn’t make sense. I hope you get the chance to see this and realize the disgusting person you are. Merry Christmas to you..

The responses to her post have been unanimously positive, and she told KRTV: “My family and I are so grateful for the outpouring of love and support from the community!”

Among the reactions on the KRTV Facebook page:

  • Kristian O’Brien: It must be nice, not having anything to complain about besides some neighbors Christmas decorations.
  • Christopher Graham: Too chicken to sign their name. That speaks volumes. I am sorry that had to happen though. Hopefully the Grinches will be called out.
  • Sandi Riley Wilson: The letter was in poor taste, but the response to it was just as poor. You could have taken the high road instead of stooping to their level. Poor taste to send this to the tv station and even in poorer taste for KRTV for thinking this is newsworthy.
  • Wendy Wallace Holla: Some people should just mind their own business and worry about their own life, which obviously is lacking in something.
  • Sarah Pengilly: If people don’t have anything nice to say they can keep it to themselves if it doesn’t make sense to you o well leave people alone I think its cute kids want to get involved to decerorate.
  • Linda Flanagan Larson: Lights are a beautiful act of celebration, however we do them.
  • Amanda Murray: I love that this made the news😂…I hope the Grinch feels pretty silly for sending that letter!
  • Kacie Allen: Can we start a fund to help this poor recipient, of this letter? I would love to help her with her decorating for next year? Obviously she doesn’t have any taste. I’m think Liberace meets sigfried and Roy meets all 12 apostles. Of course playing ‘Baby it’s cold outside’ 24 hours a day is icing on the cake.
  • Paula Worstell Brady: Two wrongs don’t make a right. The response to the note wasn’t very tactful either.
Tisha Bloch received this Grinch-y letter
Tisha Bloch received this Grinch-y letter

Tisha Bloch wrote to KRTV: “This is a letter my family received today. People in this town took time out of their day to mail this.”

Posted by KRTV Great Falls on Thursday, December 20, 2018