

Public comment about Natatorium closure is expected at City Commission meeting


At the City Commission on Tuesday evening, several people plan to urge the commissioners to keep the Morony Natatorium open.

The natotorium, located at 111 12th Street North, has been serving the people of Great Falls for more than 50 years.

Becky Monroe is one of those people hoping to keep it open. She said the city is big enough to keep an indoor pool open during the winter months.

“Closing the pool, not just for me, but for other people, is like a death sentence because we’ve got to be able to exercise,” said Monroe. "Now that we’re old and retired, that’s our job, to exercise and take care of ourselves. I think a town our size has to have an indoor, accessible pool. I can’t say that enough.”

Steve Herrig with the city Parks & Recreation Department said the building is falling apart, and just to fix the exterior would cost over $580,000, plus whatever is wrong with the interior.

He added it also sits on a natural spring and that the high water table causes things to shift and move.

While the plan is to close the pool at the end of the year, Herrig said they are exploring all options and he is visiting several indoor facilities throughout the state.

Closure of the Great Falls natatorium has some people upset
City Commission gets update on Morony Natatorium

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