

Search for Jason Azure continues near Wolf Point


The search continues for Jason Azure, a Wolf Point man who is presumed to have drowned after he jumped into the Missouri River in April to save someone who fell in.

The 40-year-old Azure did not resurface and was swept downstream. The other person was able to get out of the fast flowing river.

In April, Brenda Calder, Azure’s mother, said, "Jason loved everyone, he was a people person, he didn’t have much in his own life and he gave everything he had to help people."

Family and friends are planning another search along the river on September 5. They have stated they will not give up until Jason is found.

On May 6, 2018, the Roosevelt County Sheriff’s Office released this statement: 

We wanted to share some information regarding the incident involving Jason Azure.

On the afternoon of 04/27/18, Jason was with friends and family by the river near Wolf Point when he saw two people struggling in the water. With no regard for his own safety, he jumped into the frigid river and attempted to save them. The other people made it back to shore, but sadly, Jason did not. The Missouri River was running high and fast, and Jason was unable to fight the powerful current. He quickly went under and disappeared.

It took tremendous courage for Jason to do what he did. The water that day was 42 degrees and Jason knew he wasn’t a strong swimmer. He saw two people in trouble and simply did what he thought had to be done to help them. Jason was a true hero in every sense of the word.

His actions that day weren’t out of character, either – stories abound of the times Jason sacrificed his own well-being to help others.

Wolf Point is a small, tight-knit community and tragedies like this hit us all hard. Most of us knew Jason, so our hearts really go out to his family during this difficult time. Jason was a devoted father, brother, and son. He leaves behind four children.

The RCSO, Ft Peck Tribes, and several other agencies will continue with the recovery effort. Volunteers that wish to assist with the search or support the family are welcome. Please contact Jason’s sister, Ashley Calder, at 406-489-1866, or Sheriff Frederick at 406-489-1564 if you’d like to help.

Community members have created a Facebook group called Search for Jason Azure in the Missouri River to help coordinate search efforts and keep people updated.

We will update you as we get more information.

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