

People enjoy Labor Day in the Electric City


Labor Day marks the unofficial end to summer as schools are back in full swing and summer activities wind down in the Treasure State.

Many people use the day off to get out the last bit of fun such as grilling or picnicking with friends and family.

The Central Montana Central Labor Council held their 36th annual Labor Day Picnic at Montana ExpoPark.

There were hotdogs, live music, and conversation.

The president of the organization said the event allows people to spend the afternoon relaxing.

“It’s a neat time. You know, the people who are working for a living can just take a break. This is a chance to have a cold beverage and a good meal. Some people are here because they just need that meal. Some people are at the end of their working career and hopefully they’ll tell their stories to the people who are starting,” said Jerry Rukavina.

Others spend the day on trails or in the water, and pack snacks to take out on the Missouri River for one of the last times this year.

“We’re just testing the boat out. We actually just got it out for the year. It’s been broken all year, so we’re just testing the boat out and we’re just going to run up and down the river and hang out on the last day you can probably be warm,” said Tyler Morrison.

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