

Family Affair planning to reopen soon


The day is getting closer for the reopening of a Great Falls staple.

The over 40-year-old Family Affair Restaurant will open its doors yet again on Tuesday, September 4.

The restaurant’s building was damaged in early July when a car crashed into its front.

Owners Carla Husemoller and Linda Walden were planning on retiring next year but because of the amount of damages from the crash, they’ve decided to stay open another five years.

While they took time away to work on repairs and give the restaurant a facelift, they realized how much they missed their community.

“I’ve seen them forever, so I didn’t know I was going to miss them so much. That is going to be our biggest thing just to see everybody. I’m kind of excited that we got new stuff for everybody to see and, you know, it’ll be nice. It’ll be nice for them,” said Walden.

The Family Affair Restaurant will be open Monday through Thursdays from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. and on Fridays from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. The restaurant is at 616 26th Street North.

(JULY 6, 2018) The Family Affair restaurant in Great Falls was damaged when a car crashed into the front of it on Friday morning.

The restaurant was closed at the time, and there was no one inside.

The driver of the car, an elderly man, did not sustain any serious injuries. Initial reports indicate that he accidentally hit the gas pedal instead of the brakes.

There is damage to the door and the adjoining brick wall; there is no word yet on the dollar amount of damage.

The restaurant is at 616 26th Street North.

The owner of the restaurant says that she is not sure yet how long it will take to repair the damage.

The Great Falls Police Department is investigating the incident; we do not yet know if the driver will be cited for the crash.

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