(GREAT FALLS) The Boundary Fire in northeast Glacier National Park (Inciweb) has burned an estimated 1,500 acres as of Saturday, August 25.
The cause of the fire has not yet been determined. There have been no injuries reported.
According to a press release from Glacier National Park, the fire was discovered on Thursday, August 23rd, and is located in the Boundary Creek Valley, near the Campbell Mountain area west of Waterton Lake in northeast Glacier National Park.
On Thursday night, the fire was reported to be fast-growing, with flame lengths up to 100 feet. The park is implementing structure protection measures in the Goat Haunt area. On Friday, air resources were used to slow the spread of the fire eastward toward Waterton Lake, as conditions allow.
Waterton Lakes National Park posted the following information on its Facebook page on Friday morning:
Due to the wildfire’s behaviour and location, and weather predictions, Parks Canada issued an Evacuation Alert for all of Waterton Lakes National Park last night.
All backcountry areas and hiking trails in Waterton Lakes National Park are currently closed. Parks Canada staff evacuated backcountry campgrounds and swept trails in Waterton yesterday evening. The Evacuation Alert was shared door-to-door throughout the community of Waterton Park, on social media and through Alberta Emergency Alerts.
Parks Canada deployed initial attack aerial resources, but were unsuccessful in limiting fire growth. Parks Canada and Glacier National Park staff cleared hikers from the area and evacuated the Waterton River Backcountry Campground.
Waterton Lake Trail, the North Boundary Trail, and the Waterton River Backcountry Campground have been closed.
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