

Volunteers saved a dog that was beaten and then abandoned for 30 days in Hardin


(LIVINGSTON) Because of some pretty special people, a severely abused and abandoned dog was rescued and is now recovering in Livingston at Sleeping Giant Animal Clinic.

The nine-month-old dog was found in Hardin recently on the side of a road with a rope tied around its neck for what is estimated to be about 30 days.

Rebecca Shirley from Help Every Pet of Hardin was called on an abuse case a week ago and rescued the dog.

Trecie Wheat Hughes is Rebecca’s friend and took the dog to Livingston because Hardin does not have an animal shelter.

Help Every Pet of Hardin is five women voluntarily running a shelter from their homes.

“Since January 2018 they rescued over 150 animals including dogs, cats and horses, and they often pay for the vet bills and the supplies themselves,” Trecie said. “I didn’t know this happens three hours away from Bozeman and Livingston, Montana and I’m sure a lot of other people don’t know either, but these animals need help.”

The rescued pup, now known as Roxie, should recover from her surgery within two weeks. She currently has a foster home but needs a permanent one.

“I hope Roxie gets the best home on the planet. She deserves it and she’s the sweetest thing. She’s giving kisses all day, she’s good with other dogs and kids,” Trecie said.

If anyone is interested in adding Roxie to their family, contact the Stafford Animal Shelter in Livingston.

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