

Search continues for missing Flathead Valley woman Alex Beltran


(KALISPELL) The Flathead County Sheriff’s office is continuing to search for Alex Nicole Beltran, who has been missing for two weeks.

Beltran, 23 years old, was last seen two weeks ago leaving a friend’s house on the west side of Kalispell. Beltran is 5’9" tall, weighs 130 pounds and has hazel eyes.

She was last seen driving her 1998 Light Green Toyota Rav 4, MT plate 785019A and was heading to her home in the Forest Acre area between Whitefish and Kalispell. Her vehicle is also missing.

Flathead County Sheriff Chuck Curry says investigators have continued to put every resource they have available to them to the search. Sheriff Curry says they have searched possible bodies of water where her vehicle might be with the best technology available in the region.

They’ve also teamed up with the FBI and the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center to look at cell phone forensics and are continuing to conduct interviews and look for any possible video footage.

Sheriff Curry says detectives have been working the case non-stop following up on leads, searching in the air and on the ground and tracking any of the routes she might have taken but they have no leads are again asking for the public’s help.

"We continue to ask the public for their help if anyone has seen Alex certainly if anyone has seen the vehicle. It’s likely the vehicle is noticeable," Sheriff Curry said. "Please contact the Sheriff’s Office with any information. We have had quite a few leads. We followed all those up they haven’t panned out."

Sheriff Curry says its extremely rare for a 23-year-old woman to go missing and her bank cards have still had no activity. Anyone has information about Beltran’s whereabouts is asked to contact Flathead Crimestoppers at (406) 752-TIPS.

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