

Sheriff: have fun and be safe at the Montana State Fair


The 2018 Montana State Fair opened for business – and fun – on Friday in Great Falls.

Cascade County Sheriff Bob Edwards wants everyone to have a fun and safe time while attending the fair.

He advises people to leave valuables at home, do not flash a lot of money, and do not bring weapons into the fairgrounds

Edwards also asked for parents to take a picture of their children before they enter the fair so if they get separated they can find them easier.

Edwards says President Donald Trump’s rally earlier this month served as a sort of test run for Fair week.

"It was kind of nice, actually, that was a huge crowd. I am guessing about 12,000 people were in and around these fairgrounds, so on average we will see about eight to ten thousand people a day for the fair. So, as I called it, the prep for the fair. When the President came we got back out in the air, got out in the sun, and got things rolling,” Edwards said.

Edwards also asks fairgoers to make sure to bring sunscreen and drink lots of water.

Deputies will be out on the grounds and they have a trailer located next to the Four Seasons Arena.

From the Montana State Fair website:

Dial 727-8900 for concerns/questions or lost & found.


Dial 9-1-1 for emergencies.
Police staffing during the Fair is located in the Fire Hall behind the Family Living Center -dial 727-8339.
PARENTS contact Police immediately on fairgrounds. First Aid located in the Mercantile Building.

Here are the headlining performers for this year’s fair:

  • BROTHERS OSBORNE – Sun., July 29 @ 7:30pm
  • MIDLAND with special guest Michael Ray – Mon., July 30 @ 7:30pm
  • THE TEMPTATIONS – Tues., July 31 @ 7:30pm
  • JEFF FOXWORTHY – Fri., August 3 @ 9:00pm
  • SEETHER – Sat., August 4 @ 9:00pm

For more information about the fair, including vendors, animals, tickets, and more, visit the Montana State Fair website.

The Cascade County Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) was at the Expopark on Thursday morning getting ready for the fair. The group will be manning the first aid station in the Mercantile Building during the week long fair.

CERT Vice President Dena Burnham Johnson says the group has been helping the county for almost 15 years. There will also be EMTs on hand if someone comes into the booth with a serious health concerns.

Burnham Johnson says CERT members will able to help fair-goers with any basic first aid needs. There will be two CERT members manning the first aid booth all week long.

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