

MHP tackles the “Lip Sync Challenge” and challenges GFPD


There’s been a wave of videos shared on Facebook in recent weeks featuring law enforcement officers participating in what is known as the Lip Sync Challenge. Some of their videos have gone viral, like the one showing the officers from a police department in  Virginia performing to "Uptown Funk," which has garnered more than 71 million views since it was posted on Facebook on July 9th.

Now the trend has arrived in Montana, with the Montana Highway Patrol posting a video of troopers lip-syncing, dancing, and sporting wigs to One Direction’s hit song "What Makes You Beautiful."

The video was posted late Wednesday morning, and within 24 hours, it has already racked up more than 382,000 views.

In their Facebook post, the MHP called out the Great Falls Police Department to participate in the challenge.

The GFPD responded: "Well played Montana Highway Patrol, well played. Challenge accepted! This will be hard to top but we will give it our best shot. GFPD lip sync video coming soon."

Response to the MHP video has been overwhelmingly positive, based on Facebook comments.

Debbie Munson posted on the KRTV Facebook page: "I love the fact that they took the challenge! I think it is great for people to see the officers in another light."

Jerri O’Hara added: "Thank you for serving and protecting, but thank you for showing us all you are human and fun loving!"

However, a few people criticized the "lip sync challenge" movement, claiming that officers shouldn’t waste time and resources on what they perceive to be something frivolous.

James Fenner posted: "What I am really wanting to know is where did the money come from to film this video and were these guys on the clock?"  He continued, "Just because your having fun doesn’t mean it’s alright to basically rip taxpayers off of there money. I have had fun at past jobs, but I never went as far as making videos. What a joke!"

Although we have not yet heard directly from the MHP, we have learned that law enforcement agencies usually rely on off-duty officers and equipment – sometimes from volunteers – to create the videos.

In addition, an officer with the Great Falls Police Department noted that such videos are an excellent community outreach tool, and also serve to enhance relationships with the people that they serve.

A New York Times article about the videos notes: "The videos have come as police departments increasingly use social media to step up their public relations efforts and try to repair their image after years of anger and protests over police brutality and fatal shootings of black people by officers."

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