

Filming for “Pellett” closes section of Central Avenue


The start of filming for the Montana-made movie "Pellett" closed a section of Central Avenue on Tuesday morning and for Clem Pellett, it’s been a long time coming.

“Everything that has happened up until now, the book, the articles, the documentary, and everything that has happened is surreal to me,” he said.

The history of the movie goes back to April of 1951 when Pellett’s grandfather, Clarence Pellett, was shot to death by Frank Dryman.

“The murderer got let off. Three times he was sentenced to hang and three times it was thwarted,” Pellett said.

Dryman was released on parole and he disappeared for 40 years. Actor Kam Dabrowski will step into the murderer’s shoes as he takes on the role of Dryman for the movie.

"People always ask me the question if I have any difficulties taking on a role like that. I treat it the same as any other role. I still have to do all my research, but this is definitely a great project,” Dabrowski said.

To Pellett, it is important to keep the movie as authentic as possible.

“We are filming it at actual sites and using actual cars of the time. We are going to follow the story very religiously. It is going to be right now,” Pellett said.

The actual movie production won’t start for a few months. This week’s test shots will help with the trailer and create a smooth filming process.

“We are laying the foundation for getting the props, cars, camera angles, and all those types of things,” Pellett said.

The reality of the movie is unreal to him.

“This happens to other people. This doesn’t happen to you. It is, it is happening. I have excitement, but you know it is the story of my grandfather’s murder so it is little emotional as well,” he said.

The crew will also head to Dear Lodge and Shelby to shoot at other authentic sites.

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