

Auto repair tech helps Lewistown family get to hospital for baby’s emergency surgery


Savanna Johnston posted the following message on Facebook, and several people have shared it on the KRTV Facebook page: The other day we posted in our local Facebook page needing help with putting in our transmission because we had no other way to get to Seattle children’s hospital for emergency surgery for our unborn child and I. We had a small budget and needed someone willing to work with us on payments and overall cost, knowing its a hard and expensive job we didnt see how we were going to figure this out. We called almost every local auto shop in the area with absolutely no luck. They either didn’t do transmissions or were unwilling to do payments. We waited all night hoping for somebody to comment knowing it may not happen and I may have to fly over alone without my son who also has severe medical needs and needs my assistance and without my husband for support. At 6:30am Friday morning we got a message and comment from Charlie Matovich Eike saying her son Andrew may be able to help us and she would call and ask. We recieved a phone call from him at 7am telling us he was willing to put it in for us and all he asked was for us to pay his gas! Let me remind you the shops I called asked for $800 to $1500 or more for the same job this young guy was offering for a whole $70.. We were in shock and so amazed as we had never met him and only met Charlie once through the same local facebook group! He talked to us a while and explained that he would fix what needed done with the transmission. He then said he would be here around 12pm since he was coming all the way from GREAT FALLS! THATS A 2 HOUR DRIVE! We felt this overwhelming amount of emotions and had no way to thank him enough. He kept his promise and was there by noon and almost immediately began going to work on it. As he began he realized just how much needed work and instead of just doing what he said he began to fix it ALL he rotated our tires, fixed our air conditioner, put in our new transmission and much more! He worked hard long hours for THREE DAYS to fix our vehicle so we could get to Seattle safe! This 20 year old who had just graduated college and had just worked over a week straight with 15 hour days on fencing in the hot sun, then took his only three days off to come and fix a family’s vehicle he didnt even know! He was so kind so smart and so incredibly helpful to us in our time of need! He was our blessing! What he did we could never thank him enough or repay him. Because of him we are able to make it to surgery we are able to have more options because we can make it soon enough. He has saved our lives and has helped our family be able to stay together in this devastating time! Thank you so much Andrew Jewell your are a godsend a great mechanic and we can never repay what you have done for us! Please like and share this post I would love for Montana and more to see how great of a person he is and how he blessed my family!We are working to get in touch with both Andrew and the Johnston family to get more details about this act of kindness.(UPDATE) A GoFundMe page has been created where people can donate to help the Johnston family; click here if you would like to help.div[data-mml-type=”relatedcategory”]{border: thin solid #e7e7e7;} .categories-right-icon{display: none;} .stories-area > hr{margin: 0px;} .stories-area > iframe {border: white;} div[data-mml-type]{ overflow: hidden; } div[data-mml-status=”draft”] {display: none !important;} div.fb-post span, div.fb-post span iframe{max-width: 100%;} div[data-mml-type=”twitter”].left, div[data-mml-type=”instagram”].left, div[data-mml-type=”facebook”].left{ float: left; position: relative; overflow:hidden; max-width:100%;}div[data-mml-type=”twitter”].right,div[data-mml-type=”instagram”].right,div[data-mml-type=”facebook”].right{ float: right; position: relative; overflow:hidden; max-width:100%;}div[data-mml-type=”twitter”].center,div[data-mml-type=”instagram”].center,div[data-mml-type=”facebook”].center{ width: 100% !important; overflow:hidden; text-align: center;}div[data-mml-type=”twitter”].center iframe,div[data-mml-type=”twitter”].center twitterwidget,div[data-mml-type=”instagram”].center iframe,div[data-mml-type=”facebook”].center iframe{ margin: auto !important;}div[data-mml-type=”facebook”].center > span{ margin: auto !important; display: block !important;} .mml-display-none{display: none !important;} div[data-mml-type=”gmaps”], div[data-mml-type=”youtube”] {position:relative; width:100%; padding-bottom:56.25%;} div[data-mml-type=”gmaps”] iframe, div[data-mml-type=”youtube”] iframe {position:absolute; left:0; top:0;} div[data-embed-type=”clip”],div[data-mml-type=”clip”]{position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%;width: 100%;box-sizing: border-box;} div[data-embed-type=”clip”] iframe { position: absolute;}div[data-embed-type=”social”] {position: relative;padding-bottom: 56.25%;width: 100%;box-sizing: border-box;} div[data-embed-type=”social”] iframe,div[data-mml-type=”clip”] iframe { position: absolute;}.frankly-img{max-width:100%;}.mce-item-table{word-break: break-all;}