

Car chase in Sweet Grass County ends with suspect still at large


(UPDATE, 8:10 p.m.) The Park County Sheriff’s Office reported that Travis Bryant is now in custody.

(1st Report, 2:26 p.m.) Law enforcement personnel in Sweet Grass and Park counties are searching for Travis Bryant, 37, who is suspected of leading officers on a car chase, which began in Sweet Grass County on Friday evening and ended in the Duck Creek area of Park County.

The suspect vehicle, a 2005 Black Dodge 2500 Ram bearing Colorado plates, fled through private property and pursuing law enforcement officers lost sight of the vehicle. The owner of the vehicle was identified as Bryant.

As officers searched the area, police received tips that residents had witnessed some people walking in a field in the area.

Officers responded, with the help of local residents, to the area where they found two people. Both were taken into custody, however the driver and owner of the vehicle, Bryant, is still at large. 

Officers searched the area into the night but were unable to locate Bryant. The vehicle was found crashed in a ravine. 

Park County deputies flew in a helicopter the next morning in an attempt to locate the man, but were unsuccessful. Sweet Grass County deputies and a Forest Service LE also assisted with search efforts from the ground.

At about 2:50 p.m., a tip was received that a local resident had contact with Byrant on a road in the area. Park County and Sweet Grass deputies, along with two K9 units, searched the area again with the help of a helicopter.

Search efforts up to now have been unsuccessful. Park County and Sweet Grass Sheriff’s Offices are continuing to search for Bryant, who has felony warrants out of Colorado and warrants pending in Montana.

Authorities have asked residents to call 911 with information about Bryant’s whereabouts.

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