

Shrine Stories: Meet McKenzie


The top high school football athletes in Montana will take the field for the annual East-West Shrine Game on Saturday,  July 21st. 

The game will be at 6 p.m. at Memorial Stadium in Great Falls. 

The game helps to raise money for the Shriners Hospital for Children in Spokane

“I’m McKenzie Stewart and I’m from Fairfield, Montana.  I have Juvenile Scoliosis and I went to Shriners to receive treatment of a spinal fusion to fix the curvature of my back.  It was very welcoming when I first went there. I was really scared but they helped me realize that I was going to be OK. The things they taught me, were that you will always have help in your life there will never will be no body that’s not willing to help you.  My favorite person was my nurse Kristen. When she was off duty and not taking care of other patients she would come to my room share a candy bar with me and watch movies with me.  My favorite sports are softball, tennis and volleyball. I would not be able to participate in those activities without the help of the Shriners Hospital.  I don’t have any future surgeries but I will have to get checkups on my back because of lower curvature that’s happening below the rods.  I think Shriners is a really good hospital for kids and that will help people become a kid again instead of worrying about ‘I can’t do this and I can’t that’.”

The game will will be broadcast on KRTV and KXLH, and can also be watched online at

We’ll have more inspirational stories from Shriner patients and families, and then you’ll see the stars of Montana high school football take the field.

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