

Despite funding issues, the Great Northern Fair in Havre lives another year


The Great Northern Fairgrounds in Havre have been in jeopardy for years of not being able to stay open due to insufficient fund, but the Great Northern Fair lives another year.

Earlier this year, Hill County Commissioner Diane McLean told KRTV, “The fairgrounds in Hill County has been a source of concern for a few years now and that this incident isn’t the only time when we’ve been seriously challenged to have enough money to keep it open.”

The Great Northern Fair Foundation, which has been around over twenty years, stepped up to get the funds to get the fair up and running.

The Great Northern Fair has had many projects in the past including: putting seating areas in by the caboose, built the Crow’s Nest, and work for the arena.

This year the foundation went to local people for funding and also held a “Gussy Up the Great Northern Fairgrounds” event.

During this event, members of the foundation and the community came together to mow the lawns, do weeding, paint, and just do general maintenance around the fairgrounds.

Chelby Gooch, who is the Treasurer of the Great Northern Fair Foundation said, “I personally think the fair is very important. It’s something I definitely don’t want to see go away. If everybody in the community comes together, I think it will succeed and it will be great in years to come.”

She also adds that although she thinks there was never the intent to close the fairgrounds, they do need to get the word out that improvements need to be made and to get more revenue in.

This year’s fair started on Wednesday and will continue into the weekend, ending on Sunday.

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