

Thousands of people ready for President Trump in Great Falls


Thousands of people stood in line for hours to get into the Four Seasons Arena ahead of President Donald Trump’s rally in Great Falls. The event is scheduled to begin at 4 p.m.

The doors opened a little before 1 p.m., but the line stretched outside of the ExpoPark and down the sidewalk along 3rd Street NW.

Security for the event has prevented any mad scrambles for the best seats in the house, but the arena is expected to be packed when President Trump arrives.

He is expected to talk about several issues, including his next Supreme Court Justice nomination to veterans affairs to foreign relations, and possibly today’s announcement that Scott Pruitt, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, resigned today.

President Trump will also rally support for Matt Rosendale, the GOP candidate challenging U.S. Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) in the November election.

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  • The President’s rally is scheduled to begin at 4 p.m. at the Four Seasons Arena at Montana ExpoPark.
  • The Great Falls Police Department says that "residents, business owners, and visitors should anticipate prolonged delays, traffic rerouting, and spontaneous and lengthy road closures throughout the afternoon."
  • KRTV plans to broadcast (on TV and online) the Presidential visit from the time Air Force One arrives until it departs, and will have reporters at several key areas: the arrival of Air Force One; the motorcade; the rally inside the arena; the protest outside the facility; and the departure of Air Force One. 

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