

Arlee Pow Wow brings dancing and celebration


(ARLEE) The Arlee Powwow draws hundreds every year for dances, games, and celebration.

Traditional dancing is ongoing throughout the event with dancers of all ages joining in for different styles and competitions, with live music on site.

“We’re doing all sorts of dances, most of these dances are intertribal, some of them are fancy dancer, jingle dress, and shawl dancers,” said Starleena Bigleggins, a shawl dancer who was there with her family.

Generations of families come together. "I’m a shawl dancer, my grandma is a fancy dancer, and my mom, she doesn’t have a dress but she likes to dance,” she said.

Many create the intricate pieces of their dress themselves. “It took me three years to bead this, the roses, the flowers, and I got a beaded vest,” said Waoine McCoy, a dancer who has been coming for decades.

Hundreds are camping out and taking in everything that the display of art and culture has to offer.  The events continue in Arlee throughout the weekend with activities taking place in the afternoons and late into the evening every day until Sunday. 

This marks the 121st year for the annual powwow.

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