

Independence Day: Parades and Fireworks


Independence Day is approaching, and people are getting ready for the big day.

Black Eagle Volunteer Fire Department station is excited to be hosting its annual Independence Day Parade. Black Eagle Volunteer Fire Chief Mike Deshayes says this year’s theme is “Land of the free because of the brave.”

The parade begins at 11 a.m. on Smelter Avenue starting at 12th Street (in front of the Black Eagle Country Club) and will travel down Smelter toward the Black Eagle Community Center

The City of Great Falls is also hosting its annual parade, which starts at 11 a.m. along 1st Avenue South or Central Avenue between 8th Street and Park Drive. They will be also passing out United States flags for attendees. People are encouraged to bring water and chairs to sit in along the route.


  • The selling and discharging of fireworks within the incorporated limits of Great Falls can only take place on July 2, July 3 and July 4 from 8 am to midnight (per City Code – §9.9.90 /Ordinance 2965). As a reminder, stick rockets, bottle rockets and roman candles are not allowed in Montana (per State Law). It is important to understand that Cascade County has different rules and regulations as it relates to fireworks, and the City does not regulate the sale or discharge of fireworks outside the City limits.
  • Children 10 and younger, partaking in the firework festivities, must have a supervising adult within 10-feet, in order to control the application of flame or other means to discharge the firework. 
  • Residents should only discharge fireworks on private property. Fireworks are prohibited from being discharged on all publicly owned areas such as parks, streets, cul-de-sacs, public sidewalks or public-right-of-ways or any publicly owned parking lot/parking space or alley. 
  • Always remember to clean up after the fun! Fireworks are messy and tend to cause a lot of debris, please remember to pick up any trash left behind from the discharging of fireworks (it is illegal to leave debris from discharged fireworks).

Click here for more details on the City website.

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