

Houston facing charges after crashing front-end loader through fence


Heather Houston was arrested on Sunday after allegedly stealing a front-end loader and driving it into an apartment complex in Great Falls.

The Great Falls Police Department responded to the Fox Hollow apartment complex on Sunday morning where they found 34-year-old Houston, who had reportedly stolen the loader from the 3100 block of Rainbow Dam Road and drove it across town to the apartments.

Fox Hollow is located at 1700 10th Street Southwest, behind the Best Western Heritage Inn.

The GFPD says that Houston then crashed through a fence with the loader, damaged a car, and hit the side of the complex.

She was reportedly topless as she elevated the front end to the second floor and crawled into an apartment before coming back out.

When police arrived, they arrested Houston on charges of felony criminal mischief and felony criminal endangerment. Additional charges could be filed.

Andy Ashcraft, who lives in the apartment building (and is also a KRTV employee) said it was quite the morning.

“She actually ran into the side of my window, it shook the whole house. That’s when we went running outside thinking, ‘We better get out of here in case the building comes down,’” Ashcraft said.

There were no reports of injuries.

We will update you as we get more information.

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