

Fireworks salesmen discusses business and safety


Fireworks stands around the Electric City have been open for just over a week now and one salesmen said sales are down this year.

He didn’t know exactly why, but had a few guesses.

“So far, it’s been a little slow. Hoping it’ll pick up, hoping it’s just because of the weather,” said Patrick McQueen at Hong Kong Harry’s in Black Eagle.

McQueen said the holiday landing on a Wednesday could also play a part.

“Where the Fourth actually falls in the middle of the week. Most people have a hard time trying to get off in the middle of the week,” said McQueen.

The Black Eagle stand isn’t the only one seeing a dent in the register.

“…between this stand that we’re running for Hong Kong Harry’s and another one out there behind Tuffy’s bar in Sun Prairie, we have noticed a slight downturn from last year,” said McQueen. “When we go and talk to some of the other firework stand runners that there has been a little bit of slow turn. It’s hard to say what all will happen.”

He said while sales have been slow, they have sold a decent amount of sparklers.

The National Consumer Report stated sparklers are one of the leading causes of fireworks-related injuries.

McQueen suggested staying away from any buildings or dead grass, keeping the sparkler a good distance away from your body, as well as anybody else.

It’s also helpful to have a bucket of water nearby to put the sparklers in once they’re done.

McQueen added to always use fireworks how they’re intended.

“So we’re not having these accidents that kind of give it a bad rep, we’re out here to have a little bit of fun, but let’s not get too crazy and let’s make sure we make it a Fourth of July that police officer and the firefighters are happy to spend it with us too.”

Before the fireworks show starts though, many families spend the afternoon grilling hotdogs and hamburgers.

The American Red Cross wants to remind people to never leave the grill unattended and do not add lighter fluid to already lit charcoal.

Also, place your grill away from your house, off the deck, and away from anything that could catch on fire.

They also recommend keeping children and pets away from the grill.

As Independence Day approaches, civic leaders are encouraging people in and around Great Falls to be safe and courteous if they are setting off fireworks.

People discharging fireworks within city limits must follow the City’s Fireworks Ordinance which will be enforced by police officers and firefighters.

Residents can learn more about the City’s Fireworks Ordinance and rules and regulations relating to fireworks by visiting Primary rules and regulations include:

  • The selling and discharging of fireworks within the incorporated limits of Great Falls can only take place on July 2, 3 and 4 from 8:00 a.m. to midnight (per City Code – §9.9.90 /Ordinance 2965).
  • Children 7 and younger partaking in the firework festivities must have a supervising adult within 10 feet, in order to control the application of flame or other means to discharge the firework.
  • Residents should only discharge fireworks on private property (sidewalk leading to your residence and or driveway) and should always clean up any trash that is left behind from the discharging of fireworks.

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