

Rally held as part of nationwide protest against separating families


Dozens of people made their voices heard on the steps of the Great Falls Civic Center on Saturday morning.

A group formed as part of a nationwide rally to reunite families at the southern border.

They had speakers, sung songs, and some held signs.

Many people said they’re upset families have been separated when seeking refuge and that children have reportedly been lost.

“We are trying to raise awareness about what is happening for people that are seeking refuge from violence and are being detained in essentially tent cities and camps. Children are being ripped away from their parents and the government has literally lost track of many of those children,” said Jasmine Taylor, an organizer of the rally.

According to CBS News, the statement that the Trump administration lost 1,500 minors is misrepresented.

Those minors came to the border without their parents and were transferred by U.S. authorities to sponsors in the country.

Health and Human Services could not account for almost 1,500 children last year because many sponsors didn’t respond to the follow up calls.

Taylor added it doesn’t matter what political party you identify with, it boils down to humanity.

“This is not a political issue. This is a humanitarian issue. It doesn’t matter what your politics are, we can all agree that families need to be kept together and it is not appropriate to keep immigrants in tent cities and that it is never, ever okay to treat people that are seeking refuge from violence with anything but compassion and humanity.”

At least three people counter-protested as they were passing by the Civic Center.

One man who didn’t want to be identified said, “Mothers know what they’re doing with their kids. Why did they bring them there? They should do something else other than subject their children to this type of thing.”

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