

Flooding leads to increase in mosquito-abatement measures in Cascade County


(GREAT FALLS) After heavy rains and flooding in Cascade County there will be increased mosquito abatement provided by the Weed & Mosquito Division.

A press release says that County Commissioners approved increasing the Mosquito Control Fund by $45,000 for additional chemical needed to treat mosquitoes in our area.

Due to the recent large amounts of rainfall and flooding causing much more mosquito habitat than normal, our usual mosquito abatement process wasn’t enough to effectively manage the population,” says Joshua Blystone, Superintendent for the Division. “We have increased the amount of mosquito abatement to better manage the mosquitos in Cascade County.”

Blystone says because there is more standing water, they have needed more treatment product than a typical year.

The Division has also had to re-treat areas that flooded. Although there will be more mosquito treatment this year, Blystone says residents will most likely still see an increase of mosquitoes this season.

The Weed & Mosquito Division is also testing adult mosquitoes for West Nile Virus (WNV) at 32 sites across Cascade County. So far there are no confirmed cases of WNV in our area. They will continue to test mosquitoes through September.

The best defense against mosquitoes is to protect yourself using the 5 Ds:

  • DEET-Apply repellent containing an EPA-registered active ingredient, such as DEET, and follow the directions on the package.
  • DUSK and DAWN-This is when mosquitoes are most active. Try to avoid outdoor activities during these times.
  • DRAIN STANDING WATER-Standing water is the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes. Drain such areas around your home (gutters, pools, tires, buckets, water bowls, etc.).
  • DRESS APPROPRIATELY-Wear long-sleeved shirts, long pants, and socks.

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